
Sentence-a complete, independent musical idea, usually consisting of two or four phrases, ending with a cadence
Sentimento-(意大利) with feeling
Sentir-a Moroccan three-stringed long-necked lute with a body made from a single piece of wood, and covered with camel skin
Sentito-(意大利) felt
Senza-(意大利) without
Senza sordina-(意大利) unmated
Senza sordini-(意大利) unmated
Senza sordino-(意大利) unmated
Separe-(法) uncoupled
Sept-(法) seven
Septet-(英) a group of seven instrumentalists, a work written for a group such as this to perform
Septett-(德) a group of seven instrumentalists, a work written for a group such as this to perform
Septette-(法) a group of seven instrumentalists, a work written for a group such as this to perform
Septetto-(意大利) a group of seven instrumentalists, a work written for a group such as this to perform
Septieme-(法) seventh
Septulet-a group of seven notes played in the time of four or in the time of six
Septuor-(法) a group of seven instrumentalists, a work written for a group such as this to perform
Sequencer-device or program that records and plays back user-determined sets of music performance commands, usually in the form of MIDI data
Serenade-a light and/or intimate piece of no specific form to be played in an open-air evening setting, music properly played in the evening under a lady's window
Serenata-a dramatic cantata
Sereno-(意大利) serene
Serenita-(意大利) serenity
Seria-(意大利) serious
Serialism-A compositional method where various musical elements such as pitch, rhythm, dynamics and tone colour may be put in a fixed order
Serialized rhythm-a musical passage or work in which the rhythmic aspects are controlled by some predetermined series of durations
Seriamente-(意大利) seriously
Series-a succession of musical elements to be used as fundamental material in a composition
Serieuse-(法) serious
Serieux-(法) serious
Serio-(意大利) serious
Seriosa-(意大利) serious
Seriosamente-(意大利) seriously
Serioso-(意大利) serious
Serranas-a flamenco style
Serrando-(意大利)-getting faster
Serre-(法) getting faster
Serrant-(法) getting faster
Serrato-(意大利) getting faster
S'escandalari-a colorful peasant dance from Ibiza, Spain that celebrates planting and harvesting
Set-a collection of pieces played sequentially during a performance
Sette-(意大利) seven
Settimino-(意大利) a group of seven instrumentalists, a work written for a group such as this to perform
Seufzend-(德) sighing
Seul-(法) alone
Seule-(法) alone
Seules-(法) alone
Seuls-(法) alone
Seventh-a major seventh is a semitone smaller than an octave; a minor seventh is a whole tone smaller than an octave
Seventh chord-a chord consisting of a root note, the third above the root, the fifth above the root and the seventh above the root
Severita-(意大利) severity, strictness
Severo-(意大利) severe
Severamente-(意大利) severely
Sevillanas-very popular colorful and festive Spanish folk dance from Seville
Sextet-(英) a group of six instrumentalists, a piece of music written for such a group to play
Sextett-(德) a group of six instrumentalists, a piece of music written for such a group to play
Sextette-(法) -a group of six instrumentalists, a piece of music written for such a group to play
Sestetto-(意大利) a group of six instrumentalists, a piece of music written for such a group to play
Sextuor-(法) a group of six instrumentalists, a piece of music written for such a group to play
Sextuple meter-a compound meter with six beats to every bar
Sextuple time-a compound meter with six beats to every bar
Sextuplet-a group of six notes of equal value that have the equivalent time value normally of five or seven
sf.-abbreviation for sforzando
Sfogato-(意大利) light and easy style
Sfoggiando-(意大利) flauntingly, ostentatiously
Sforzando-(意大利) strongly accented
Sforzato-(意大利) strongly accented
Sgambato-(意大利) in a weary style
Shamisen-a long necked Japanese 3-string fretless lute, plucked with a heavy ivory plectrum, that first became popular in the pleasure districts during the Edo Period (1600-1868) made from one of a variety of woods such as red sandalwood and the head covered with cat or dog skin. The pegs are traditionally made of ivory while the strings are of twisted silk
Shanty-a sea-song which has a chorus, which is sung by all, and verses that are usually sung by only one voice
Shanz-Mongolian three stringed banjo played with a plectrum
Shape-the direction of a melody; the abstract quality of the motion and figure of a composition, achieved through dynamics, pitch direction and tempo
Sharp-a term applied to a note slightly above its expected pitch, a sign to show that a note should be raised one semitone in pitch
Sharp Key Signatures
Sharp Sign-A sign to show that a note should be raised one semitone in pitch.
She-Oak-An alternative wood for the back and sides of a classical guitar.
Shift-the movement of the left hand from one position to another on the fingerboard when playing a stringed instrument
Shudraga-Mongolian three stringed banjo played with a plectrum
Shuffle-a slow-tempo jazz rhythm

其它相关链接: Ac-Ak Ak-Am An-Ar Ar-Az B-Ban Ba-Be Be-Bl Bl-Br Br-Bu C-Ch Ch-Ci Cl-Co Co-Cy D-De De-Do Do-Dy E-En En-Es F-Fi Fi-Fr Fr-Fu G-Ge Ge-Gr Gr-Gy Ha-He He-Hy Ia-Iw Ja-Ju Ka-Kw La Le Li-Ly Ma Me-Mi Mo-My Na-Ne Ng-Nz Ob-Ov Pe-Pl Po Pr-Pu Qi-Qu Ra Re Rh-Ri Ro-Ry Sa-Sc Sc-Se Se-Sh Si-Sn So Sp-St St-Sy Ta Te-Th Ti-To Tw-Tz Ua-Ut Va-Ve Vi Vo-Vu Wa-Wu Xa-Zy
