
Heptatonic scale-a scale of seven notes
Herbstlied-(德) autumn song
Hernach-(德) hereafter
Hero??que-(法) heroic
Heroisch-(德) heroic
Hertz-the unit in which the frequency of a note is measured
Herunterstimmen-(德) to tune a string down to a specified note
Hervorgehoben-(德) to emphasize a melody
Hervorragend-(德) to emphasize a melody
Herzhaft-(德) charming, hearty, tender
Heterophonic-two or more lines performing the same melody but applying different embellishments
Heterophony-two or more lines performing the same melody but applying different embellishments
Hexachord-(拉丁) a group of six consecutive notes separated by a whole-step or half-step
Hexentanz-(德) witches' dance
Hide Glue-A wood glue often used in guitar construction.
Hidden fifths-Approaching fifths or octaves by similar motion can produce the same effect as approaching fifths or octaves by parallel motion. Adding a passing tone to a hidden fifth produces a parallel fifth, for example. Since the parallel fifth is implied by a missing note, approaching fifths or octaves by similar motion is called hidden fifths or octaves
Hidden octaves-Approaching fifths or octaves by similar motion can produce the same effect as approaching fifths or octaves by parallel motion. Adding a passing tone to a hidden fifth produces a parallel fifth, for example. Since the parallel fifth is implied by a missing note, approaching fifths or octaves by similar motion is called hidden fifths or octaves
Hier-(德) here
High E The first string of the guitar.
Hinsterbend-(德) dying away
Hirt-(德) herd, herdsman
Hochst-(德) highest
Hochzeitmarsch-(德) wedding march
Hochzeitszug-(德) wedding procession
Hocket-a rhythmic device in two part music in which rests in one part alternately match notes in the other
Hoedown-similar to a jig or reel, usually associated with square dancing
Hofkapelle-(德) royal chapel
Hofkomponist-(德) court composer
Hofmusicus-(德) court musician
Hogaku-Japanese classical music
Hold-fermata; musical symbol placed over a note or rest to be extended beyond its normal duration
Homophone-two strings tuned to produce the same note
Homophonic-a musical composition for 2 or more parts with a single melody line, all other parts serving as accompaniments
Homophony-a musical composition for 2 or more parts with a single melody line, all other parts serving as accompaniments
Homorhythmic-polyphonic lines played together have the same rhythm but independent melodies
Hondo-sad Andalusian song employing microtones
Honduran Mahogany-A wood that used to be exported mainly from Honduras, but now comes more often from Brazil. African Mahogany is a little heavier and finer textured than Honduran Mahogany. Mahogany is fine for guitars due to its relative low cost, ease of working, and stability. Colors range from light pink to medium brown to reddish brown.
Honduran Rosewood A wood becoming difficult to obtain. Denser than Indian rosewood, it compares well to Brazilian rosewood, and some claim it is superior, producing a well-balanced sounding guitar with great projection and strong lows and highs. A good substitute to Brazilian Rosewood. The color ranges from a rich mauve to a brownish brick red with tight growth rings and occasional dark brown to black ink lines.
Honduran Redheart-An alternative wood for the back and sides of a classical guitar.
Honey songs-campfire songs Central African Pygmies
Honeysuckle-An alternative wood for the back and sides of a classical guitar.
Hopak-a Russian and Ukrainian folk dance
Hornpipe-a lively dance resembling a jig in triple time in the early sixteenth century, and in 4/4 time from the mid-eighteenth century, associated with sailors
Hortus Musicus-(拉丁) musical garden
Hot Hide Glue-A heated wood glue often used in guitar construction.
House-a performance hall or theatre where the audience sits
Hubsch-(德) dainty, pretty
Hu-Chinese bowed lute
Hualaychos-groups of Bolivian street musicians that play during Christmas and New Year
Huapanguera-a 9 string Mexican guitar from the Jarocho region
Huit-(法) eight
Huitieme de soupir-(法) thirty-second rest
Hula-a sacred dance of Hawaii
Humoreske-(德) piano music of a capricious character
Humoresque-(法) piano music of a capricious character
Huon Pine-An alternative wood for the back and sides of a classical guitar.
Hurdy-gurdy-stringed instrument in which the strings are set into vibration by the action of a hand-cranked rosined wheel
Hurtig-(德) agile, nimble
Hymn-a song of praise

其它相关链接: Ac-Ak Ak-Am An-Ar Ar-Az B-Ban Ba-Be Be-Bl Bl-Br Br-Bu C-Ch Ch-Ci Cl-Co Co-Cy D-De De-Do Do-Dy E-En En-Es F-Fi Fi-Fr Fr-Fu G-Ge Ge-Gr Gr-Gy Ha-He He-Hy Ia-Iw Ja-Ju Ka-Kw La Le Li-Ly Ma Me-Mi Mo-My Na-Ne Ng-Nz Ob-Ov Pe-Pl Po Pr-Pu Qi-Qu Ra Re Rh-Ri Ro-Ry Sa-Sc Sc-Se Se-Sh Si-Sn So Sp-St St-Sy Ta Te-Th Ti-To Tw-Tz Ua-Ut Va-Ve Vi Vo-Vu Wa-Wu Xa-Zy
