
Ngoni-a small traditional four-stringed Mali lute in the form of a teardrop
Nguyeat-(Vietnam) guitar-like instrument with a long neck, which emits muted sounds, having 2 strings made of silk braid
Nicht-(德) not
Nieder-(德) down
Niederdrucken-(德) depress, press down
Niente-(意大利) nothing
Nigenkin-two string Japanese zither used in Shinto shrines
Ninth-compound interval consisting of an octave plus a second
Nitrocellulose Lacquer-Used since the 1920's, a quick-drying solvent-based lacquer that contains nitrocellulose. A very hard, flexible and durable finish that can be polished to a high sheen. It yellows with age, producing a desired vintage look
Njurkle-monochord guitar used in Malian music
Nobile-(意大利) noble
Nobilmente-(意大利) nobly
Nobilta-(意大利) nobility
Noblezza-(意大利) nobility
Noch-(德) still, yet
Noche-(Spanish) night
Nocturne-(英) a moderately slow piece, usually for piano, of dreamy, reflective, contemplative character and song-like melody
Nocturne-(法) a moderately slow piece, usually for piano, of dreamy, reflective, contemplative character and song-like melody
Notturno-(意大利) a moderately slow piece, usually for piano, of dreamy, reflective, contemplative character and song-like melody
Node-the point on a vibrating string that is at rest
Noel-(法) a Christmas carol
Noire-(法) quarter not
Non-(法) not, no
Non-(意大利) not, no
Non-open String-A fretted note.
Non-traditional Sound Hole-A sound hole that is not round.-Sound Holes are not limited to a particular site or number.
Nonet-(英) a group of nine players, a piece written for nine players
Nonett-(德) a group of nine players, a piece written for nine players
Nonette-(法) a group of nine players, a piece written for nine players
Nonetto-(意大利) a group of nine players, a piece written for nine players
Non-harmonic note-a note that does not belong to the chord with which it sounds, for example, a passing note
Non-imitative polyphony-two or more independent melodic lines that do not share material with one another
Nonmetric-music lacking a strong sense of beat or meter
Nonretrogradable rhythm-a rhythmic pattern that sounds the same whether played forward or backwards
Non-tertian chords-chord structures not based on thirds
Nontraditional time signatures-time signatures using values other than 2, 3 44, 6, 9, 12 for the top number
Non troppo-(意大利) not too much
Non-Western music-music alien to the Western tradition of music, music and instruments of Asia, the Middle East, Africa, the Pacific Islands, the Native Americans, …….
Non-Western sounds-music alien to the Western tradition of music, music and instruments of Asia, the Middle East, Africa, the Pacific Islands, the Native Americans, …….
Noodling-improvised musical phrases a musician might play while warming up
Normal Accent
Nota cambiata-(意大利) changed note
Nota sensibile-(意大利) leading note
Notation-the method used to write down music
Note-a single sound of a particular pitch and length which is notated with a symbol made up of a note head, a stem (in some cases) and a flag (in some cases
Note de passage-(法) passing note
Note head-the head, or round part of the note symbol as distinguished from the stem or any other part of the note
Note ornaments-
Note row-the chromatic scale
Notturno-(意大利) nocturne
Nove-(意大利) nine
Nowell-(英) a Christmas carol
Nuances-a set of symbols added on the score to indicate the volume at which a note or a series of notes are to be played
Nuova-(意大利) new
Nur-(德) only
Nut-a slightly raised bar at the top of a guitar neck
Nut Height-The height of the string measured from the top of the first fret to the bottom of the string as adjusted at the nut slot.
Nutrendo-(意大利) full rich or well-sustained tone
Nutrito-(意大利) full rich or well-sustained tone
Nzele-a Kenyan music style created in the late twentieth-century, revolves around the lead singer, bass guitar, drums, percussion, keyboards, flute, horns and a rhythm guitar

其它相关链接: Ac-Ak Ak-Am An-Ar Ar-Az B-Ban Ba-Be Be-Bl Bl-Br Br-Bu C-Ch Ch-Ci Cl-Co Co-Cy D-De De-Do Do-Dy E-En En-Es F-Fi Fi-Fr Fr-Fu G-Ge Ge-Gr Gr-Gy Ha-He He-Hy Ia-Iw Ja-Ju Ka-Kw La Le Li-Ly Ma Me-Mi Mo-My Na-Ne Ng-Nz Ob-Ov Pe-Pl Po Pr-Pu Qi-Qu Ra Re Rh-Ri Ro-Ry Sa-Sc Sc-Se Se-Sh Si-Sn So Sp-St St-Sy Ta Te-Th Ti-To Tw-Tz Ua-Ut Va-Ve Vi Vo-Vu Wa-Wu Xa-Zy
