
Kabosy-short lute in the shape of a box, from Madagascar
Kamaycha-vertically held string instrument from India. nineteen strings, three of gut for melody, two of brass for drone, and fourteen of steel for sympathetic resonance
Kammer-(德) chamber
Kammerton-(德) the pitch used for instruments in Germany during the Baroque period, where a' was about 410-425 Hz
Kankukus-Afro-Brazilian dance
Kanon-(德) canon
Kantele-traditional Finnish stringed instrument, laid on a table or across the player's knees and plucked
Kanun-Middle Eastern instrument dating before the time of Christ. similar to a zither, 72-75 grouped strings, which are tuned flat and then raised or lowered in small semitone increments using a series of latches
Karaoke-popular nightclub style from Japan where customers sing the melody to accompanying prerecorded tracks
Kaum-(德) barely
Kavatine-(德) cavatina
Kayagum-a Korean 12-string zither
Kecak-ancient Balinese trance dance performed to appease the gods in times of difficulty
Keck-(德) audacious
Keckheit-(德) audacity
Keen-an Irish funeral song
Keineswegs-(德) no way
Keleli-a two or three string long necked lute from Chad
Kerfing-(guitar lining) is Tapered strip(s) of wood glued around the inside seams of a guitar to add strength and stability where the sides meet the top and back. Kerfing has spaced slits that render the wood strip flexible.
Key-specific scale or series of notes defining a particular tonality
Key note-the first note of the scale upon which a piece of music is based
Key signature-an arrangement of sharps or flats placed on the far left hand side of each line of the staff, indicating scale of the piece
Kidumbak-a style from Zanzibar, percussive and dance-based
Kind-(德) child
Kinder-(德) children
Kindlich-(德) childlike
Kirche-(德) church
Kirchencantate-(德) church cantata
Kitchen department-unkind description of the percussion section of an orchestra
Kithara-ancient Greek lyre-like instrument, a square or rounded resonator box (body) and as many as eleven gut strings supported by a yoke attached to two arms attached to and rising from the body
Kitsch-a work that is shallow, pretentious, gaudy, without substance, or calculated to have popular appeal
Kizomba music-an Angolan style based on the semba, rumba and quilapanga
Klagend-(德) lamenting
Klaglich-(德) lamentable
Klammer-(德) brace
Klang-(德) sound, tone
Klangfarbe-(德) timbre, tone
Klar-(德) clear, distinct
Klein-(德) small, minor
Kleine-(德) small, minor
Klingen-(德) resonant, to sound
Klingend-(德) resonant, to sound
Kneifend-(德) pizzicato, plucking
Koa Koa was first used as a tonewood in the ukuleles of Hawaii for its warm tone. Colors ranging from brown to gold with rich and varying grain.
Kobsa-plucked lute
Kokle-Latvian lap zither
Kolomyika-a quick duple-time Polish dance
Komisch-(德) comic
Kompa-popular style of Haitian tropical music created in the 1950s
Komponiert-(德) composed
Komun-go-Korean six-string zither
Komuz-a three stringed lute from Kyrgyzstan
Koni-a small traditional four-stringed lute in the form of a teardrop from Gambia
Kono-strummed lute from Ghana
Kontingo-West African lute
Kontrapunkt-(德) counterpoint
Kontretanz-a country dance
Konzert-(德) concert, concerto
Konzertstuck-informal concert piece, usually in one movement, for solo instruments and orchestra
Kopuz-Central Asian Turkic short lute
Kora -West African harp lute with 19 strings, popular in Gambia, Senegal and Mali. has a skin stretched across a large gourd, a wooden neck and gut or nylon fishwire strings stretched across a tall bridge. played in a similar way to a harp
Koryaga-one stringed instrument with a string fixed on a curved branch of a tree. The sound is made by a violin bow or plucked, and the notes are changed with the use of a wire bent over the branches' ends.
Kostenka-(德) a type of Serbian dance
Koto-a 13 string Japanese zither of Chinese origin. about 6 feet long. laid horizontally with waxed silken strings stretched tightly over movable bridges along the length of the instrument. plucked using ivory picks
Kraft-(德) strength, vigour
Kraftig-strong, vigorous
Krakoviak-Polish dance from the Kraków region, in 2/4 time with syncopated rhythms
Krakowiak-Polish dance from the Kraków region, in 2/4 time with syncopated rhythms
Krar-a six-string bowl-shaped lyre from Ethiopia
Kreis-(德) cycle, circle
Kreuz-(德) the sharp sign
Kucheng-a 16 or 21-stringed zither. the most popular plucked traditional Chinese instrument on Taiwan
Kujawiak-a quick, triple-time Polish dance
Kum-Korean seven-stringed zither used in court music
Kurz-(德) short
Kurze-(德) short
Kurzer Vorschlag-(德) acciaccatura
Kwaito-an urban South African genre developed in the 1990s, a fusion of various musical sounds that were popular in the 1990s, including South African dance music, hip hop, Jamaican influences, house music and rhythm and blues
Kwassa-kwassa-dance style from the Democratic Republic of Congo that was developed in the 1980's

其它相关链接: Ac-Ak Ak-Am An-Ar Ar-Az B-Ban Ba-Be Be-Bl Bl-Br Br-Bu C-Ch Ch-Ci Cl-Co Co-Cy D-De De-Do Do-Dy E-En En-Es F-Fi Fi-Fr Fr-Fu G-Ge Ge-Gr Gr-Gy Ha-He He-Hy Ia-Iw Ja-Ju Ka-Kw La Le Li-Ly Ma Me-Mi Mo-My Na-Ne Ng-Nz Ob-Ov Pe-Pl Po Pr-Pu Qi-Qu Ra Re Rh-Ri Ro-Ry Sa-Sc Sc-Se Se-Sh Si-Sn So Sp-St St-Sy Ta Te-Th Ti-To Tw-Tz Ua-Ut Va-Ve Vi Vo-Vu Wa-Wu Xa-Zy
