
Fiero-(意大利) fierce, haughty
Fifth-an interval of five diatonic degrees
Figure-musical phrase that repeats in a musical composition
Figured A distinctive wood grain pattern.
Figured Afzelia-An alternative wood for the back and sides of a classical guitar.
Figured Bubinga-Also known as African Rosewood, is harder and heavier than either Brazilian or Indian Rosewood, It has a medium texture with interlocking grain. It's pinkish-mauve cast oxidizes to a nice brownish-red over time.
Figured is a distinctive wood grain pattern. Wood Choices for Back &
Figured Katalox-An alternative wood for the back and sides of a classical guitar.
Figured Long Leaf Pine-An alternative wood for the back and sides of a classical guitar.
Figured melody-melody that is highly ornamented
Figured Narra-An alternative wood for the back and sides of a classical guitar.
Figured Olivewood-An alternative wood for the back and sides of a classical guitar.
Figured Ribbon Redwood-An alternative wood for the back and sides of a classical guitar.
Fill-cover bare beats during solo portions in the music; fillers
Fin-(法) end
Fin-(意大利) as far as
Final-central pitch of a piece of music, often the note on which a musical work ends
Final Cadence-A chord progression where the dominant chord is followed by the tonic chord- In the tonality of C major, an authentic cadence would be the dominant G major chord (G B D) moving to the tonic C major chord (C E G). In a perfect authentic cadence, the dominant chord in root position is followed by the tonic in root position, and according to some, the cadence is not perfect unless the uppermost voice is the tonic in the final chord.
Finale-(意大利) the final section of an extended work with several movements or sections
Fine-(意大利) end
Fingerboard-A strip of wood holding frets on the neck of a guitar against which the strings are pressed in playing.
Fingerboard Nut-A grooved strip of bone, ivory or plastic that lifts the strings from the guitar's neck.
Fingerboard Nut Height-The height of the string at the first fret measured from the top of the fret to the bottom of the string.
Fingering-the arrangement of fingers required to play a particular note or sequences of notes on a musical instrument
Fingersatz-(德) fingering
Fino-(意大利) as far as
Fino al segno-(意大利) as far as the sign
Firmo-(意大利) firm
First ending-where a section is repeated, the composer may wish to vary the sectional ending, whether first ending or second ending, as a way of creating symmetry between antecedent and consequent phrases or simply in order to extend the composition
Flag-line(s) extending from the right side of a stem of a note. Indicating an eighth note or smaller
Flamed-A distinctive wood grain pattern.
Flamed Mahogany-A wood that used to be exported mainly from Honduras, but now comes more often from Brazil. African Mahogany a little heavier and finer textured than Honduran Mahogany. Mahogany is fine for guitars due to its relative low cost, ease of working, and stability. Colors range from light pink to medium brown to reddish brown. Flamed A distinctive wood grain pattern.
Flamed Maple-Flamed A distinctive wood grain pattern. Maple is known for its figured grain, particularly "curly" or "flamed" wood exhibiting the tight even curls of "fiddleback" figure, as well as "birds-eye" and "quilted" or "blister" figure. European Maple is between Rock Maple and Bigleaf in hardness, and is fine and even-textured. Bigleaf Maple is a bit coarser and harder to work. It can range in color from ivory, to pink, to tan. Quilted Maple is the hardest to obtain.
Flamenco-A style evolved over centuries, carried across Asia, the Middle East, Africa and the European continent by nomad gypsies. At its purest it is a form of song accompanied with one or two guitars and rhythmic clapping.
Flat-a sign which lowers the pitch of a note by one semitone
Flat-to play under the general pitch
Flat Key Signatures
Flat Sign
Flatter-(法) to caress
Flautando-(意大利) to produce harmonics, on a stringed instrument
Flautato-(意大利) to produce harmonics, on a stringed instrument
Fleadh-(Gaelic) Celtic music festival
Flebile-(意大利) mournful
Flebilmente-(意大利) mournfully
Flehend-(德) entreating
Flessibile-(意大利) flexible
Flessibilita-(意大利) flexibility
Fling-a vigorous Scottish dance
Florid-decorated or embellished with ornamentation
Fluchtig-(德) agile, fleet
Fluidezza-(意大利) fluidity
Fluidita-(意大利) fluidity
Fluido-(意大利) fluid
Focoso-(意大利) fiery
Fois-(法) time
Folge-(德) continuation, series, succession,
Folgen-(德) to follow
Folgt-(德) follows
Folia-a folk-song associated with the Canary Islands, slow and lyrical in character and usually accompanied by a guitar or the timple
Folk elements-introduction of folk melodies, rhythms or characteristic harmonic progressions into orchestral or chamber music
Folk music-songs and dances transmitted orally through several generations before being recorded or notated
Fonn mall-(Gaelic) a slow air
Forefall-an ascending appoggiatura
Forlana-(意大利) old Italian dance in compound duple time
Forlane-(法) old Italian dance in compound duple time
Forlano-old Italian dance in compound duple time
Form-the structure a pieces of music may have, for example, sonata form, rondo, …….
Formalism-the tendency in music to elevate form above expression
Formant-a resonant peak in a frequency spectrum
Format de poche-(法) pocket-sized
Fort-(德) continually, away
Forte-(意大利) loud, abbreviated 'f', powerful, strong
Fortemente-(意大利) strongly powerfully,
Fortepiano-(意大利) early name for the pianoforte
Fortissimo-(意大利) louder than forte
Fortississimo-(意大利) louder than Fortissimo
Fortissississimo-(意大利) louder than-Fortississimo
Forza-(意大利) force
Forgueuse-(法) impetuous
Fougueux-(法) impetuous
Four-beat-in jazz, to play all beats of a four-beat bass rhythm with equal emphasis
Fours-when jazz ensemble players exchange leads every four bars
Fourth-interval of four diatonic scale notes, counting the first and last note, for example, the interval from 'C' to 'F'
Forzando-(意大利) forcing
Forzato-(意大利) forced
fp-Fortepiano; loud, then immediately soft
Fracta modi-ornamental notes that break into the steady pattern of rhythmic modes
Fractional time signature-a meter time signature in which the top number includes or is a fraction

其它相关链接: Ac-Ak Ak-Am An-Ar Ar-Az B-Ban Ba-Be Be-Bl Bl-Br Br-Bu C-Ch Ch-Ci Cl-Co Co-Cy D-De De-Do Do-Dy E-En En-Es F-Fi Fi-Fr Fr-Fu G-Ge Ge-Gr Gr-Gy Ha-He He-Hy Ia-Iw Ja-Ju Ka-Kw La Le Li-Ly Ma Me-Mi Mo-My Na-Ne Ng-Nz Ob-Ov Pe-Pl Po Pr-Pu Qi-Qu Ra Re Rh-Ri Ro-Ry Sa-Sc Sc-Se Se-Sh Si-Sn So Sp-St St-Sy Ta Te-Th Ti-To Tw-Tz Ua-Ut Va-Ve Vi Vo-Vu Wa-Wu Xa-Zy
