单音(A Single Tone ...) | 大三或小三和弦[A Chord (Major or Minor Triad) ...] |
包括基音和一系列不同音高的泛音[Consists of a fundamental tone plus a series of overtones at higher pitches.] | 包括根音、三音、五音[Consists of a root note (so-called because it's the chord's lowest note, scale degree 1) plus additional notes (scale degrees 3 and 5) at higher pitches (in the chord's "root" position).] |
大部分的泛音是与基音不同的音,即与基音不是八度关系。]Most of the overtones are different notes from the fundamental (i.e., not in an octave relationship).] | 三音、五音是与根音不同的音,即三音/五音与根音不是八度关系。[The other notes of the chord are different notes from the root (i.e., not in an octave relationship).] |
基音与泛音同时发音[The fundamental and all the overtones occur simultaneously.[ | 根音与其它的和弦音一般是同时发音,琶音或分解和弦则是不同时发音的情形。[The root and the other notes are played or sung simultaneously (usually).] |
虽然我们听不出来独立的泛音,但是,我们的大脑会对它们进行分析处理。[Although you don't hear the separate overtones, your brain nevertheless recognizes and processes them.] | 虽然我们听不出来和弦中每个独立的音,但是,我们的大脑会对这些音符进行分析。[Although you don't hear the notes as separate pitches, your brain nevertheless recognizes and processes them.] |
泛音的不同产生不同的音色,使我们能区分不同的发声体,比如不同的乐器。[The overtones create "tone color," which enables you to distinguish the difference between the sound of, say, a guitar, from the sound of a piano.] | 同时发声的和弦中的几个音产生和声,使我们听到的音乐有了立体感。[Sounded together, the notes of the triad create "harmony," which imparts a feeling of color and depth to music.] |