
协和音程(Consonant intervals)Pleasantness, generally positive emotional valence; not as strong or active as dissonant intervals
不协和音程(Dissonant intervals)Generally negative emotional valence, strength, activity
大音程(Major intervals)Brightness, strength
小音程(Minor Intervals)Dullness, weakness
Large intervalsPower
Small intervalsWeakness
小二度(Minor second)Melancholy, displeasure, anguish, darkness
大二度(Major second)Pleasurable longing, displeasure (neutral as a passing tone; see Chapter 9)
小三度(Minor third)Tragedy, sadness
大三度(Major third)Joy, happiness, brightness
纯四度(Perfect fourth)Buoyancy, pathos (neutral as a passing tone; see Chapter 9)
三全音(Tritone,Diabolus in musica)Violence, danger, tension, devilishness (of course!)
纯五度(Perfect fifth)Cheerfulness, stability
小六度(Minor sixth)Anguish, sadness
大六度(Major sixth)Winsomeness, pleasurable longing (neutral as a passing tone; see Chapter 9)
小七度(Dominant seventh)Irresolution, displeasure, mournfulness
大七度(Major seventh)Aspiration, displeasure, violent longing
纯八度(Octave)Lightheartedness (i.e., sudden melodic leap)

什么是音程(What's music interval)?--吉他与乐理(Guitar and Music Theory)
什么是旋律音程?--吉他与乐理(Guitar and Music Theory)
什么是和声音程?--吉他与乐理(Guitar and Music Theory)
什么是音程的度数?--吉他与乐理(Guitar and Music Theory)
什么是音程的音数?--吉他与乐理(Guitar and Music Theory)
