
  BACH J. S. - Easy Pieces for Classical Guitar Vol 1,巴赫作品改编的简易古典吉他作品集,其中收录了10首改编自巴赫作品的简易古典吉他小品,谱例采用五线谱与指法谱对照的形式,便于初学古典吉他的朋友对照应用,弹奏这些曲子建议要了解相关的背景知识,比如小步舞曲,要对小步舞曲有所了解,看它有什么特点,听听一些小步舞曲,听听其它乐器或乐队演奏的这些曲子,以便于在古典吉他上更好地演绎出期望的感觉。  
1.Minuet I in G major(From the notebook of Anna M. Bach)
2.Musette in D Major (From the notebook of Anna M. Bach)
3.Minuet 2 in G major(From the notebook of Anna M. Bach)
4.Bouree in E minor(From the 1st Lute Suite)
5.Two Part Invention in C major
6.Two Part Invention in D minor
7.Minuet in G minor
8.Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring(From Cantata 147)
9.Gavotte from the 3rd Lute Suite
10.Prelude in D minor(From 1st Lute Suite)
