
  Besard was a highly respected French lutenist who was also trained as a lawyer. His large
collection of his own and other composers' music was published in Cologne in 1603.
  The branle was a lively country dance, often characterized by an unchanging or "drone" bass. Like the preceding piece, this dance depends for its effectiveness on a fast tempo, preferably about 144 beats per minute.

  [1]Branle Gay,布朗盖伊舞曲,作者贝萨德(Jean Baptiste Besard)是很有名的琉特琴演奏家,他还是一个律师;1603年在科隆(Cologne)出版的一个曲集包括了他自己和其它一些作曲家的大量作品;
  (1)The third finger is important here to release the second finger for the E bass. (此处要用无名指来按,以便于中指可以在下一小节按6弦2品的E音;
  (2)Notice the small minus sign by the first finger indication. This means that the first finger travels from the G# to the A without losing contact with the string. It does not mean that the slide should be audible.(注意此处从G#到A,要用食指滑过去,但是滑并不意味着要滑出声音来)
