
  Entree De Luth by Robert Ballard: This French lute piece is from Diverses pieces mises sur le luth (Premier livre, Paris,1611). Although not easy to play, it has great intensity of feeling and is well worth the effort. In spite of the title it sounds very much like a tombeau or lament.
  Suggested tempo is 63 beats per minute.

  [3]此曲作者为:Robert Ballard;
  (1)Some practice is needed here, but it is worth it to hold the A. (此处需要做些专门的练习)
  (2)It was necessary to simplify this measure to make it playable on the guitar. (这一小节做了简化,以适合吉他演奏)
  (3)This is a stretch, but it is preferable to a complete change of position.(此处为手指伸展,也可以考虑完全改变位置)
  (4)The half bar seven has to be changed from four strings to five, hence is shown twice.(此处的7品横按要由原来的只按到4弦改变为同时按住5弦)
