
  This minuet from the lute book mentioned in the note on p.18, was chosen for its pleasing balance of the melodic and broken styles of composition. The lyrical opening suggests a moderate tempo, about 96 beats per minute.
  [谱例注1]This sequence of chords should be practiced separately to achieve clarity in each of the three voices. (和弦转换要仔细练习,以保证每个声部的清晰]
  [谱例注2]This measure and the two which follow are slightly more difficult on the guitar than on the lute. The changes of position should be practiced until they are smooth and unhurried.[这一小节及之后的两小节在吉他上演奏要比在琉特琴上难一些,需要认真练习,保证位置的转换自然、平滑。)
  [谱例注3]Note the typical repeat in echo of these two measures.

  Minuet in E:Classical Guitar Scores,琉特琴与巴洛克吉他部分的第9首曲子,位于第10页,相关资料如下:
