
  Walsingham was a popular folk song arranged by almost all the Elizabethan composers. The song, from the Cambridge lute book (D.D.2.11), relates to the traditional pilgrimage to the Church of Our Lady at Walsingham, Norfolk, which was a shrine famous for miracles. Since the priory there was dissolved in 1538, the tune is clearly a very old one.    In popular Music of the Olden Time William Chappell gives the following words—
  As I went to Walsingham,
  To the shrine with speed,
  Met I with a jolly palmer
  In a pilgrim's weed.
  A palmer was a monk who went from shrine to shrine. Suggested tempo is 80 beats per minute.
  Although some of the chord changes need practice, the leisurely tempo should make this piece not too difficult technically. The high B can be held over on the lute, but it is unfortunately not possible to do so on the guitar. A crescendo up to this point is effective.

  As I Went To Walsingham:Classical Guitar Scores,琉特琴与巴洛克吉他部分的第8首曲子,位于第9页,相关资料如下:
