
  From the Dowland manuscript, this piece seems to be based on Kemp's Jig(Gigue,吉格舞曲,详见吉他学习—组曲中的4种常见舞曲类型(Allemande/Courante/Sarabande/Gigue/),), a popular tune of the time associated with Will Kemp, the famous English comic actor and dancer.
  Suggested tempo is brisk, about 144 beats per minute.
  [1]It is important to release the third finger from the low C at this point to avoid an ugly clash with the upper C#. The change of key is somewhat sudden, but it is helped by stressing theC#.

  The Parlement:Classical Guitar Scores,琉特琴与巴洛克吉他部分的第三首曲子,相关资料如下:
