
  我想花些时间看看那些古典吉他谱,了解一下与之相关的一些历史背景、乐曲创作背景、乐曲相关的一些乐理知识或技巧等等,还好有一个现成的可用的类似于古典吉他曲谱大全的资料可用,只是里边一些乐曲的些介绍或名字都不是中文的,Classical Guitar Scores,这个资料收录的应该是比较全了,从琉特琴/巴洛克吉他相关的音乐作品,一直到20世纪的一些古典吉他音乐作品,按年代、作者分类整理,实在是古典吉他爱好者不可多得的一份珍贵资料。

  Spagnoletta:Classical Guitar Scores,琉特琴与巴洛克吉他部分的第一首曲子,相关资料如下:
  [1]Spagnoletta,16世纪末的一种意大利舞曲,主要是三拍子。——A late 16th-century Italian dance whose harmonic scheme was used in the 17th century, mostly in triple metre, for dances, songs and instrumental variations. There are two versions by Farnaby in the Fitzwilliam Virginal Book.
  [2]This piece, taken from an Italian manuscript source by the nineteenth-century musicologist Oscar Chilesotti, is an example of the popular tune Espanoleta, or "Little Spanish Tune." An orchestrated version of the tune may be heard in Joachin Rodrigo's Fantasia para un gentilhombre for guitar and orchestra.
The tempo should be moderate, about 四分音符×116/分, but with a lilt and no heaviness. A slight stress on the first beat here will help to establish the changed pattern of phrase.
