
  Neck Stall throw and catch(颈部停抛接球),颈部停球、抛球、停接球,在学习这个技巧之前先要熟悉Neck Stall(颈部背侧停球),这个动作主要是侧重于表演的花式技巧。
  1. For this trick you will have to master “Neck Stall”. Hold the ball on your neck same as you would do for “Neck Stall”
  2. Now roll the ball from your back to back of your head, make sure that your head is a little lower than your back
  3. Now push the ball up in the air with back of your head, make sure that it goes straight up, that way it will be easier for you to catch it.
  4. Catch the ball same way as you would do for “Neck Stall”
